1992-1993 Season

The 1940s Radio Hour

Holiday December 2-18, 1992
The 1940s Radio Hour
Holiday December 2-18, 1992

A different time is evoked in this marvelously theatrical and winning show, a live broadcast of a The Mutual Manhattan Variety Cavalcade from the Hotel Astor’s Algonquin Room on December 21, 1942. The spirit of that bygone era when the world was at war and pop music meant “Strike Up the Band” and “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” (both are in this show) is accurately captured as the harassed producer copes with a drunk lead singer, the delivery boy who wants a chance in front of the mike, the second banana who dreams of singing a ballad, and the trumpet playing sound effects man who chooses a fighter plane over Glenn Miller.

Cast & Creative

Director/Scenic/Costume Designer Linda Whitney
Music Director Troy Fisher
Hair Designer Rick Wehmeyer
Lighting Designer Jill Carter
Props Designer Misi
Choreographer Jeff Kingsbury
James L. This Pops
George Dougherty Stanley
David Westbrook Wally
Andrew Gordon Clifton
Don Martin Lou
Scott Stilson Johnny
Kathleen Gallagher Ginger
Tracy Beck Connie
Jeff Kingsbury Neal
Troy Fisher B. J.
Jana Tyrrell Ann
Alan Fuller Biff
Rebekah Allison Geneva
Joe Baque Musician
Syd Potter Musician
Dan Fullerton Musician
Alan Fuller Musician