In 16 seasons and 25 shows at Harlequin:
A Christmas Carol (Player 2 (Christmas Past, others), Player 2) A Long Day's Journey into Night (Mary Tyrone) A Streetcar Named Desire (Blanche) A Valentine's Oratorio (Ensemble) Assassins (Sara Jane Moore) Baltimore Waltz (Anna) Billy (Billy Tipton) Deathtrap (Myra Bruhl) For Peter Pan On Her 70th Birthday (Wendy) Forever Stardust (Frankie Malone, Choreographer) Pride and Prejudice (Mr. Bennet/Charlotte Lucas) Stardust for Christmas (Frankie Malone) Sweeney Todd (Beggar Woman) Sylvia (Kate) The 1940s Radio Hour (Ann) The Constant Wife (Mrs. Culver) The Glass Menagerie (Amanda) The Importance of Being Earnest (Lady Bracknell) The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Miss Angela Prysock/Princess Puffer) The Real Thing (Charlotte) The Stardust Club Christmas 1944 (Frankie Malone) The Tempest (Voice of Juno) The Winter's Tale (Hermione) The Women (Mrs. Morehead / Sadie)