2005 Season

The Elsinore Diaries

Comedy August 4-14, 2005
The Elsinore Diaries
Comedy August 4-14, 2005

The Elsinore Diaries is a theatrical tabloid documentary that boldly uncovers the dirt that lies upon old King Hamlet’s dismal murder. Our own reporter will reveal the cruel conspiracy that decimated the Danish court in one of the most tragic massacres in history. Seven actors play 23 characters to bring the appalling truth to light at last! Tarry no longer in ignorance! You deserve to know the truth! The Elsinore Diaries was a huge hit at the Seattle Fringe Festival in 2003. In collaboration with One-Lump-Or-Two Productions, we now present the uncensored, unexpurgated director’s cut for your enlightenment and edification. The truth will out! Don’t be the last to know! But WHAT IS IT? It’s HAMLET, only faster and funnier. It’s modern. It’s hep. It’s charming, clever, witty, sordid, sexy, sassy, brave, clean and irreverent.

Cast & Creative

Director Scot Whitney
Scenic Designer Daniel Flint
A/V Designer Jill Carter
Costume Designer Emilie Broughton
Sound Designer Keith Jewell
Stage Manager Gina Salerno
Machelle Allman Ensemble
Casey Brown Ensemble
Daniel Flint Ensemble
Jimmy Gilletti Ensemble
Kevin Hyatt Ensemble
Frank Lawler Ensemble
Sarah Lesley Ensemble