In 7 seasons and 14 shows at Harlequin:
A Rock 'n' Roll Twelfth Night (Duke Orsino) Forever Stardust (Jack Baldwin) Inspecting Carol (Kevin Emery) La Béte (Valere) Rock 'n' Roll Twelfth Night (Orsino) Rough Crossing (Freddie) Stardust for Emily Jean (Jack Baldwin) Swingtime Stardust (Jack Baldwin) The Importance of Being Earnest (John Worthing) The Lady's Not for Burning (Nicholas Devize) The Life and Death of King John (Earl of Pembroke/Soldier) The Misanthrope (Philinte) The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Mr. James Throttle/Stage Manager) The Stardust Serenade 1942 (Charlie)