In 6 seasons and 20 shows at Harlequin:
A Stardust Christmas Carol (Stage Manager) A Stardust Homecoming (Lighting Designer) As You Like It (Lighting Designer) boom (Lighting Designer, Video Designer) Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (Lighting Designer) Enchanted April (Lighting Designer) End Days (Lighting Designer) Mating Dance of the Werewolf (Stage Manager) Mauritius (Lighting Designer) Psychopathia Sexualis (Lighting Designer) Rabbit Hole (Stage Designer) Sixties Chicks (Stage Manager) Sixties Kicks! (Stage Manager ) Soul on Fire! (Asst. Stage Manager) Stardust for Christmas (Lighting Designer) Stardust Serenade 1942 (Lighting Designer) The Love List (Stage Manager) The Seafarer (Stage Manager) The Taming of the Shrew (Stage Manager) Unexpected Tenderness (Stage Manager)