Other local roles include Captain Hook in Peter Pan (OSD Players and CTE), Toad in The Wind in the Willows (OFT), Clov in Endgame (Calpurnia’s Dream), Richard in Fuddy Meers, and Adam in Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me (Centralia College). Jason has directed numerous shows for children and is going into his fifteenth season as the director of Creative Theatre Experience’s Showcase program. He currently teaches Drama and Social Studies at Thurgood Marshall Middle School here in Olympia. Jason owes everything to his beautiful family for their tremendous love and support. Cheers to my lovelies, Liz, Emma and Tess. You are my shining stars!
In 21 seasons and 33 shows at Harlequin:
A Bright Room Called Day (Emil Traum) A Christmas Carol (Bob Cratchit) A Midsummer Night's Dream (Bottom/Pyramus) And a Nightingale Sang (Andie Ryan) As You Like It (Touchstone) August: Osage County (Bill Fordham) Clybourne Park (Karl / Steve) Hapgood (Maggs) I Ought To Be In Pictures (Herb) Intimate Apparel (Mr. Marks) Laughter on the 23rd Floor (Max Prince) Murder in the Cathedral (4th Priest) My Old Lady (Mathias) Noises Off (Garry LeJeune) Phantom of the Stardust (Sam Gordon) Philadelphia Story (C.K. Dexter Haven) Rabbit Hole (Howie) Romeo and Juliet (Prince Escalus) Rough Crossing (Sandor Turai) The Constant Wife (Mortimer Durham) The Elephant Man (John Merrick) The Importance of Being Earnest (Lane/Moulton/Merriman/Gribsby) The Ladies of the Camellias (Ivan) The Misanthrope (Basque/Bicycle Messenger/Du Bois) The Rocky Horror Show (Simon Lock, The Narrator) The Seafarer (James "Sharky" Harkin) The Taming of the Shrew (Grumio) The Tempest (Andrian/Boatswain) The Understudy (Harry) The Weir (Brendan) The Winter's Tale (Time) Two Gentlemen of Verona (Launce / Outlaw #1) Unexpected Tenderness (Archie/Roddy Stern (the elder))