
HQP Constitution Contest!

Harlequin Productions invites Thurston County High School students to take part in a
very timely community event. What the Constitution Means to Me will be on stage at
Harlequin Productions in Olympia from October 18 through November 3, 2024. This
play by Heidi Schreck explores what the U.S. Constitution means to each of us.

All entries must be received by September 30, 2024 to be eligible!

We believe our community would be fascinated by what the Constitution means to our
local high school students. We’re inviting students to submit creative ideas on this topic.
The parameters are broad; submissions could be videos (monologues, dialogues,
interviews, etc. 3-5 minute max), triptychs, written essays (2-page max), or something
else – be creative!

Teamwork is fine—even encouraged. Possible topics could include (but not be limited
to): Is the Constitution still relevant in 2024? What amendment(s) should be added to
the Constitution, or further amended? Should we throw out the Constitution and start
over? What is missing from the Constitution or Bill of Rights?

Entries will be shared with the community through the Harlequin Production website,
and the best will be honored by introducing their creators to one of the audiences at
What the Constitution Means to Me.

Seniors graduating in 2024 are welcome to apply, even though the contest will run
through October 18-November 3, 2024.

All entries must be received by September 30, 2024 to be eligible!

Questions? Email us: constitution@harlequinproductions.org

As with all Harlequin Productions, students 19 and under can attend a performance for $5 with a Rush ticket, purchased in-person at the Box Office on the day of the show!